
For centuries Egypt enslaved the children of Israel. God sent Moses to Pharaoh with the message,  “Let My people Go.”
The ruler, considered a god in his own right, hardened his heart, disdaining the God of low-born slaves. After devastating the Egyptians with plagues, the “slave God,” as Pharaoh might have called Him, prepared to strike down all the firstborn in their land, the best of all their strength. The Egyptian oppression cost every firstborn male his life.
God ordered His people to kill a lamb: an unblemished male, and smear the blood around the door-frames of their houses. For I will pass through the land and strike all the firstborn in Egypt. Now the blood shall be a sign on your houses. When I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not destroy you when I strike Egypt.
The blood on the doorpost said, “The wrath of God already visited this house. Death was here. Pass over this house.” This blood on the doorpost of the world means that pardon is free to any and all who choose to accept it. This Blood of The Lamb marks our offenders. Seeing only the precious blood of our Savior, we stop looking for any lower justice. We pass over that blood-marked person by imitating our Father.
From How Shall We Then Forgive; Chapter Eighteen: Like Papa

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