The Christ Party

As we saw in the last article, the freedom that America is so proud of is generated by the life of Christ in His people. The weaker the pulse of that life, the more in jeopardy is that freedom.
That life is not the exclusive interest of the individual Christian. It is the fullness of “Him who fills all in all.” It is Christ standing “full stature in the community of Faith.” We are the body of Jesus Christ, and for that Body to function it needs to be united. We’ve all seen the results of diseases that interrupt messages from the brain to the limbs. Many of us have volunteered to raise funds for research to fight this tragedy, and yet this is a picture of the Christian community.
We do not move the way Christ would have us move. As it is, He does a lot through His people, but because of dysfunction in cooperation, our in-house conflicts keep us from producing all the fruit we should be producing. We are disconnected, out of joint and therefore ineffective. It is a deficiency in love. There is a “we-they” mindset where there should be an “us” outlook.
Let’s talk about one wall between us that can be torn down if we want it down. George Washington used much of his farewell address warning America about dangers of the “party spirit” (and that don’t mean boogie down time) saying, “the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.” We see now that he was right. Our nation could not resist the lure of partisanship. It is totally understandable. The drive for power corrupts wisdom. This is a nation of the world and not of heaven. Love it as I do, I must acknowledge that my country is not the Kingdom of God. It is not a kingdom at all, but a democratic republic. Christ’s realm is a kingdom and He is the King.  It is a kingdom dwelling in the heart of a worldwide community that – from the heart – calls Jesus “Lord.” God recognizes those hearts even if we don’t.  Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19) The iniquity we need to depart from in the body of Christ is what Washington called “the spirit of party” Though the world grovels in this slop, it has no place in the assembly of the saved.    The Apostle Paul called this “party spirit” a work of the flesh. It is translated as “, divisions, party spirit, factions, sects and heresies.(Galations 5:20)  We will look at our own doctrinal divisions later, but the issue here is our political divisions. Christians displaying animosity to one another over the politics of this world is intolerable to God. The spirit of the world disrupts our fellowship of love.
I know a woman who was debating politics via email with a fellow believer. Her points were well thought out and well articulated. After making her points she said,  “I have NEVER been political until the past year when I have learned so much about what this candidate actually stands for (and against).  I just can't stay quiet.  I don't want this to cause a rift between us.  You are my sister in Christ and I love you.
The fellow believer, not at all a skilled debater, responded to the arguments and added “you said, ‘You are my sister in Christ and I love you.” REALLY ? As for now I am praying about our friendship. A friend would never have said what you said.
In the words of St. James, My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
I was asked by some close acquaintances about my voting intentions. I should have kept it to myself. Apparently they were not ready to deal with knowing that we walked down different political aisles. They just stopped associating with me. I wasn’t hurt, because I know that nothing can break our ties in Christ. But I miss them. Now I am much more careful about such things. Still, it is like walking through a minefield. Satan has planted bombs throughout the church. Watch your step; one false move can blast a relationship to kingdom come.
I would think that someone called to work in politics would also be graced with the capacity to love and befriend those of opposing views. One must compartmentalize the political from the personal.  Ideas may be held but people can be hugged. If the grasp on my political ideology severs the bond with those I love, I need to reassess my priorities.
While our religious issues are another story, we do not have to break ourselves up over the cares of this world. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment…. Is Christ divided ?” In this election season, let us beware of dividing the Body of Christ with the cleaver of politics.
Here is a starting point: But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.  With politics Satan tells us that we “shall be as God knowing good and evil.” It seems to be more and more about knowing who is good and who is evil. It takes our eyes off of Him we love. Before you discuss a political opinion ask yourself, “Will this further the cause of Christ? Will it draw us closer in Christ? Does it glorify our God?” If we base our relationships on a simple devotion to Jesus, we begin the healing of this broken body.

Sweet Land of Liberty

In the preceding article we saw that we are a people within a people, a nation within a nation. As children of the Most High God, we live as foreigners in every country on earth. We are here to “show forth the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.” We are meant to be His blessing to the nations. For my fellow countrymen: we are to be the light that shines from America. Now let's talk about how that happens.
Many believe that what sets America apart is freedom. While this is true, that freedom is like a house built upon deep bedrock, it is no castle in the air. Our constitution lists the protections of liberty, but it is just a piece of inked paper unless someone lends it life. The spark that sets the Constitution ablaze lives in you.  The life-light of freedom emanates from you, child of God. It is not just a noble concept you have bought into; it is a Being who has come to live in you. You are the light of the world because the one who calls Himself “The Light of The World” radiates from your heart.
Jesus said “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
The listeners objected to His inference saying, “We are Abraham's decedents and have never been slaves to anyone.”
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”
That just about covers everyone. Then he began to clarify what the freeing truth is. “If the Son makes you free you shall be free indeed.” The liberty that raised this country to it's prominence is not the freedom to sin, but the freedom not to sin. None of us have the natural capacity to live without sin; rather, we are forgiven and given the power to resist this inner oppressor. As our nation embraces the inner enslaver she let's go of her true freedom.
Jesus further defined liberating truth when He said “I am the way, the truth an the life.” To know Jesus is to know the truth, and knowing this Truth is the bedrock of freedom. Freedom in America is a historic phenomenon first generated by faith in Jesus Christ. He alone can sustain it. Without Him, it will exhaust itself with laws and sins. As we hold to our Savior, our slavery to sin weakens. The Spirit of Christ rises up against all bondage, even if that bondage tries to sanction itself with His name.
What of the non-believers? We're not called to live any life but our own. If we attend to the Life who resides in us God will tend to everything else. They are His concern, and concerned He is. He counts the hairs on their unbelieving heads and dotes over their every breath. We are to look upon them as the loved of the Lord.

The True Christian Nation

Most people want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Public, political or social service can fill the desire for some, while civil or military service fills that need for others. Many of those who serve are Christian. God bless them. I have friends who have served in the Marine Corps, the Peace Corps and the Army Corps of Engineers. All of them devout to the core. For many people, just knowing they are American citizens satisfies that yearning.
But if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are part of something bigger than everything. You are a citizen of what St. Peter called, “ a holy nation.”  Paul put it this way, “Your citizenship is in Heaven.” Any earthly alliance is secondary to this. Scripture instructs us to “Honor the King” (for us that means “respect government authorities”) and, "Let every person be in subjection to governing authorities...and also pay taxes" (for us it means “fulfill your obligations as a citizen of your country”) Regardless of the honor we render or the duty we fulfill to the nation, Jesus teaches us to “Seek first the Kingdom of God.” The posture of our service must to be “as unto the Lord”.  (Which puts our leaders in a sobering position.) When our first alliance is with heaven, our second nation benefits.
When we get these turned around we end up with witch trials, inquisitions, forced indoctrination of the First Nationals, crusades, hundred year wars and protestant-catholic bloodshed in the emerald isle of my ancestors. But Jesus told Pilot, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight.” Oh, we are to fight for Him, but the weapons of our warfare are not physical, they are spiritual. They are things that operate by Love, like prayer, faith, mercy and sharing the Gospel, things that bless whatever country in which the sojourners of heaven live.
God blessed Egypt with the gift of His chosen people in the person of Joseph. His people blessed Babylon with the service of Daniel and Nehemiah. He blesses America with your expression of His Love. Mathew Henry describes us as “a people distinct from the world: of another spirit, principle, and practice,” even though we are also citizens here. The Spirit who indwells us makes us (In the language of the King James Version) “a peculiar people.” I know that does not mean “weird,” but it fits.
We are a nomadic people on this earth, what Peter calls strangers (foreigners, aliens) and pilgrims. We’re just passing through. Spiritual Gypsies. We have no lasting roots in this world.  Jesus has a parable about a field of wheat that is over-sown with tares by the owner’s enemy. He says, “The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one.” One physical difference between the two plants is the root structure. The tare has a deeper root. Where does our heart take root? In the Kingdom of Heaven or a nation of this world? If we sink our roots too deeply in this world, we will produce useless fruit and be of no help to America. Let us take care for where we place our first affections and orient our loyalties, let us hold tight to our “first love.”
Though God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life; He warns “whosoever … will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” We best love the world as Jesus did: by presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Father.
Our Nation is everywhere and in every country. As Jesus said “You are the salt of the earth.” You, my fellow believer, along with your brothers and sisters around the globe, give the flavor of holiness to every Nation in the world.
My heroes of the faith come from all over. Watchman Nee from China, Ravi Zachariah from India, St. Augustine from North Africa, Andrew Murray ultimately from South Africa, Pope John XXIII from Italy, Pope John Paul II from Poland, Madame Guyone and Brother Lawrence from France, Karl Barth and Martin Luther from Germany, Charles Spurgeon and the Wesley brothers from England, and many others from many other places. Add to these, the Jewish Apostles and Prophets of Israel. All were first committed to the King of Kings and then to their land.
This is the lyric of a new song they sing to Jesus in heaven: “You have redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.”  Again, Peter says that Christ purchased our Holy Nation with his blood “that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
But don’t expect this world to bask in your light. “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” Choosing Christ over Caesar landed early Christians on the floor of the Coliseum. The world sees you as an American who happens to be Christian. That is so. You are so blessed. But God sees you as a Christian who happens to be American. You are part of a nation with citizens in every nation on earth, whose King is Jesus Christ.

Favored Nation Status

“Righteousness exalts a nation: 
but sin is a reproach to any people.” 
(Proverbs 14:34)
I suppose most Americans want to see this country rise, be lifted up, exalted. According to this scripture passage, righteousness does that. One may say, “O.K. But we all have different ideas as to what ‘righteousness’ is.” So true. Since this statement comes from the Bible, let’s see what the Bible calls “righteousness.”
It is laid out in the Law of Moses, which, according to the Apostle Paul, no one can fully keep. (Romans 3:23) Even though we understand that it cannot be kept to God’s satisfaction, it is still probably a good thing to give it a shot. Is it possible that the degree to which we keep God’s Law is the degree to which our nation is blessed? That sounds logical, but according to the Word, that’s not how it works.
Paul says, “If Abraham were justified by works he would have something to boast about, but not before God. What does scripture say? Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” (Romans 4:30) This is true for us too. If works justified America, she would have something to boast about, but not before God. If America believes God, it will be counted to her as righteousness. Our own good works are not enough to register as righteous and draw God’s blessing. Nice try, but no cigar. Sorry.
Jesus said, Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees (those who make it their business to be righteous and keep the law) you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” ( Matthew 5:20) That means if we would participate in the reign of God’s love, joy and peace, and perhaps see Old Glory raised on high, we must be more than we can possibly be. What a pickle. But there is abundant hope.
What is this nation-exalting righteousness? Simple: by faith, Christ is made unto us righteousness. (1 Corinthians 1:30) He is the “Lord our Righteousness.” (Jeremiah 23:6) He is the only righteousness that can exalt America. The more of Jesus Christ we have in America, the more America shall rise among the nations. The higher our faith in Him, the higher He will lift our country. David sings, Surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12) We can have no greater defense.
The more we rely on our own selves, our own ideas, our own works and our own powers, the more of a reproach our beloved land shall suffer. As Solomon warns, They will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the bitter fruit of their own schemes, and devices.” (Proverbs 1:31) It is Wycliffe’s old translation of our lead verse that says, ”Sin makes the people into wretches.” And what is this wretch making sin? The Word tells us: whatever is not from faith is sin.” (Romans 14:23)
Now let’s paraphrase our leading verse in light of the rest of the Word. Faith in Christ exalts America, but faithlessness makes “we the people” wretched.
Are we talking about a theocracy? Of course not. A theocracy (much like atheiocracies) is just human-generated piety (self-righteousness) and ideology imposed on other humans. It is not of God. God’s righteousness sways the heart of those who trust Him, freeing them, and making them a blessing to the land…any land.

God Shed His Grace On Thee

As for politics, I admit, I know very little. It is a great confusing mess to me. It is a form of war. It reminds me of Isaiah's description, “Every battle of the warrior is with confused noise…” But I do know that wars are fought not between people who are right and people who are wrong, but between those who are right and those who are right. I also know that our hostile and confused politics are not what is wrong with our country.
What's wrong with America is the Church of Jesus Christ. No, I don't mean a particular denomination; I mean all our denominations. I mean the community of all who name the name of Jesus Christ. We are the problem with America. Because of our fractured body, we are too weak to make a difference in this country. It is in our oneness that the One who is Love can rule and reign, eradicating sin, sickness, death, ignorance and poverty. 
Christians are often judged for being judgmental and unloving. Who isn't? All have come short of God's loving ideals. People become Christians in the first place because they understand that they are sinners in need of a Savior. Of course we are lacking in personal moral virtue. But that's not the problem. Here is what we are missing. This thing we seek, this peace, health and prosperity for our nation, is not attained by our political might, not by legislative power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. It is Christ in us who is the hope of glory, not our plans, programs and good works. Our strength as religious people is our greatest weakness. We lean on the cane of our own gifts and talents; it snaps under the weight of the worlds need, and we crawl along the gutter with those we presumed to help. Where is the love to fix this?
Yes, it is all about love, but not our love, His love in us. As the apostle said, “It is no longer I…but Christ.” It is about His love flowing unobstructed between the hearts of His people until they are melded together in His Spirit. Then and only then will we have something to offer the world: The Living Christ.
How does this happen, this flowing love of Christ? Let's look at that over the next few blogs.