The Miraculous Made Manifest

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these…”  Does he really expect you to work miracles? You know that doesn’t sound right.
Look at another of His statements: “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Father that dwells in me, He does the works.” Is God dwelling in you? If you have faith in Christ, the answer is “Yes.” By His Holy Spirit He dwells in you.
Still, are you expecting miracles to materialize at your hands? Probably not. But Christ is expecting miracles from us. The miracle God is looking to work in our lives is love. Given our penchant for contentiousness and division we can see how love could be considered a miracle.
The Father wants to love all of us through all of us. He wants us to allow His kindness to flow between us. This is not a natural tendency. Love, of course, is by its nature connected to others. Love is what we do. Isolation is what I do.
The psalmist laments of God’s people, “They limited the Holy One of Israel.” In the New Testament we see that in one town Jesus “could do no mighty work there.” Why not? It is said that Jesus “marveled because of their unbelief.” To this day He is amazed at our unbelief. Like those folks of old, we lack that faith “which works by LOVE.” More love equals more faith. More faith equals more of Jesus doing what He does. All of us loving all of us brings about the loving works of God among us. God moves in the stream of His love. If we want to see Him do mighty works, we must first let Him work His love in us.
Knowing us, that will require some forgiveness and forbearance.

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