I Will Rejoice

For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work: I will rejoice triumphantly in the works of Your hands. Psalm 92:4
I confess. There have been more times than there should have been, when I have become Mr. Whiney Glum. I hit a rough patch in life; bounce some checks, have trouble with a family member, go through a medical crisis, or even suffer a loss worthy of grief. Things don’t go the way I think they should, and suddenly my whole life has been one big mess. All I remember is a personal history of defeat and depression. As the girl in Dr Chumley's* fantasy says, "Poor thing, poor, poor thing." It’s a downward spiral that carries its own discipline: misery.
When I’ve had enough, when I’m tired of the slop, I turn away from peering into the darkness (I repent) and look again to the grace of God. I look to the many mercies God has shown to me. I name the gifts He has given me. And in a short span of time, my heart lifts from the mud of self-pity. I rise up in praise and thanksgiving for the hand of His love, even in the messes of my life.
There’s really no need to roll around in the slimy mire of life. God has done plenty worthy of our praise and thanksgiving. There is enough to recall that will keep our chins off our chests and our eyes filled with light.
Like what? Start with the wondrous love shown to us on the cross, the forgiveness of all our sins, the eternal salvation of our souls, the presence of Christ in our days no matter what. 

*From "Harvey"– A play by Mary Chase.

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