Let there be no mistake: I am proud of my family's military service. During WWII, My father served aboard the USS Storm King and my uncle marched across Europe. My brother fought in Vietnam. All these beloved and brave men returned home changed forever. None of them loved war or wanted to talk about it.
I heard an old World War II combat veteran say, “No one hates war or loves peace more than those who fight the wars.” No one wishes there was no need for an army, more than those who must serve in an army. Down to the last man, down to the last woman, they want this prophecy fulfilled: “And he will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”(Isaiah 2:4) This was the vision of democracy: ballots not bullets. But as wonderful as democracy is, it did not, does not, and will not stop war.
We hate killing anywhere any time, prayed about or not. Let “Thou shall not kill,” expand beyond murder to include all killing. Let this commandment become a promise, and let us yearn for its fulfillment. Thou shall not kill Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists or whatever-ists, -ics, -ats, -ans, -ians, -ants, oo's, doos, toos or boys who sing the blues. Don't kill unborn kids or born kids. Don't kill the elderly, the weak, the depressed or the ill. Don't even kill murderers (whom everyone of us and his dog would like to see killed.) Don't kill animals, or trees. Don't kill time. Not anywhere-not anytime. Certain bugs, germs and viruses are ok to target, but don't try to kill the ember of faith, hope and love in someone's heart, nor their "worn out dogmas," as one world leader calls them. Stereotypes don't work. Let's hate hatred, not people. Let's kill killing.
Here's an idea (all in jest of course, so don't get up in arms): No Gay's in the military. No Women either. No Blacks, Jews or Muslims. While we're at it, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs or Catholics. (Particularly Irish Catholics need not apply), OMG, definitely no atheists or agnostics. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mennonites, the Amish and Quakers won't join anyway, so that saves time. We really should ban Protestants (especially Pentecostals) from military service. There's already too many signed up. No one under 112 years of age (as of May 21) should be permitted to enroll in any of the armed services. It should be required of anyone signing up to serve, that they present a current and legitimate, notarized death certificate. It only makes sense that any minority race, ethnicity, creed, code, inclination or whim should be excluded from armed service. Whites too: just to be fair. As long as we're being fair, if gays are banned, so are heterosexuals. As a matter of reducing the carbon footprint of our military, anyone who emits carbon dioxide when they breathe should be kept from carrying a gun...That should apply internationally. Reduce the Kyoto Protocol to that one law and make everyone sign it…Good luck. And of course robotics in warfare should be outlawed.
Everyone else can have at it. (Providing they clean up after themselves.)
Well, that is all just silliness. But here is the truth of it: there will be no peace until the Prince of Peace comes again to put an end to all conflict. As for now, the less of a say that He has in our lives, the more of a say the warmongers will have. The quieter His voice, the louder the hounds of war shall howl; the weaker His influence, the stronger the sway of the feud. He is The Peace. The farther we move from Him, the deeper we are lost in the wilderness of war. I don't know who first said it, but the proverb is true: “No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace.”
Christ gave his life for all. That should be enough death for all and forever.
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