Little Things

Ah the little things. The kiss of a warm breeze, the smile of a baby, the look of love in my lover's eyes, the laugh of the crow and song of the lark, the sound of children playing in the yard...

Sweet Jesus 

Sweet velvet air after the summer rain
Sweet autumn peaches and sugar cane
Sweet, sweet kisses of a mother
A smile from a sister or a brother
Sweet joyous riot pouring from the playground
Newspaper kite, geese in flight
And crickets chirping in the night

Sweet, sweet, sweet Jesus
Never was ever a sweeter than You
Sweet, sweet, sweet Jesus
No one,  not anyone is sweeter than You

Lilly of the valley,  Rose of  Sharon fair
The fragrance of Your mercy lingers everywhere
Sweeter lover than this no one has ever known
You gather up our sin and take it as Your own

Sweet, sweet world within my lover’s eyes
Sweet,  golden dance of the sunrise
Sweet, sweet honeysuckle vine
Sweet, the honeycomb sweet the wine
Sweet little bird singing outside my window
With a tweet tweet and O the deep
Calling unto deep

Sweet, sweet, sweet Jesus
Never was ever a sweeter than You
Sweet, sweet, sweet Jesus
No one,  not anyone is sweeter than You
(©lyric by j quill)

We tend to question God on the big things...things that only He can understand; things that He alone could bear on His cross. But he shows us mercies that are new every morning. He shows us things our dim eyes can see. He shows us His  little things because we can't always see His big things. He draws little pictures for His "Little Faiths" (as He calls us) because we can't really see the big picture right now. The day is filled with His little "I love You's" scattered all around us. They are there to lift our hearts if we only allow it. He whispers His love to us constantly in the little ways. And sometimes shouts it for us in ways that seem big to us.
One of my hero's of the faith said "we ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of GOD, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed."
 (Brother Lawrence) 
We can draw near to God by looking for His little blessings and leaving little love notes for him throughout our day