Bread and Wine

Christ instituted the communion ceremony to keep our focus on the Lamb sacrificed for all. More than focus. He gives us a deeply personal and courageously intimate experience of Himself. At the eucharist. He draws us into the event that is the deepest expression of His Love for us. In that space we can see the hell He suffered for our joy. In that space we also see the punishment He absorbs for those who harm us. In that space we see revenge pounded out with fists and hammered nails, laid bare with whips, and punctuated with thorns and spittle.  Full revenge. There is nothing left for us but to surrender all rights to it. We forgive because we love this man...this God.


Mabear said...

It took me a while after being saved to accept that I was worthly enough for His love. His great sacrifice is so awesome, so I didn't feel worthly to recieve all His love. Then I recieved the miracle that it was my self image
making a judgement and not the Lord's view that chained me from recieving His love.

jeff quill said...

That's an important insight, Mabear. Has the feel of God's whisper. Our self judgement is the main obstruction keeping the love of God from flooding our hearts. Like Paul said to some contentious folk, "You judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life." But He keeps chipping away at the barricade. He just loves us too much to let us get away with that.