The Christ Party

As we saw in the last article, the freedom that America is so proud of is generated by the life of Christ in His people. The weaker the pulse of that life, the more in jeopardy is that freedom.
That life is not the exclusive interest of the individual Christian. It is the fullness of “Him who fills all in all.” It is Christ standing “full stature in the community of Faith.” We are the body of Jesus Christ, and for that Body to function it needs to be united. We’ve all seen the results of diseases that interrupt messages from the brain to the limbs. Many of us have volunteered to raise funds for research to fight this tragedy, and yet this is a picture of the Christian community.
We do not move the way Christ would have us move. As it is, He does a lot through His people, but because of dysfunction in cooperation, our in-house conflicts keep us from producing all the fruit we should be producing. We are disconnected, out of joint and therefore ineffective. It is a deficiency in love. There is a “we-they” mindset where there should be an “us” outlook.
Let’s talk about one wall between us that can be torn down if we want it down. George Washington used much of his farewell address warning America about dangers of the “party spirit” (and that don’t mean boogie down time) saying, “the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.” We see now that he was right. Our nation could not resist the lure of partisanship. It is totally understandable. The drive for power corrupts wisdom. This is a nation of the world and not of heaven. Love it as I do, I must acknowledge that my country is not the Kingdom of God. It is not a kingdom at all, but a democratic republic. Christ’s realm is a kingdom and He is the King.  It is a kingdom dwelling in the heart of a worldwide community that – from the heart – calls Jesus “Lord.” God recognizes those hearts even if we don’t.  Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19) The iniquity we need to depart from in the body of Christ is what Washington called “the spirit of party” Though the world grovels in this slop, it has no place in the assembly of the saved.    The Apostle Paul called this “party spirit” a work of the flesh. It is translated as “, divisions, party spirit, factions, sects and heresies.(Galations 5:20)  We will look at our own doctrinal divisions later, but the issue here is our political divisions. Christians displaying animosity to one another over the politics of this world is intolerable to God. The spirit of the world disrupts our fellowship of love.
I know a woman who was debating politics via email with a fellow believer. Her points were well thought out and well articulated. After making her points she said,  “I have NEVER been political until the past year when I have learned so much about what this candidate actually stands for (and against).  I just can't stay quiet.  I don't want this to cause a rift between us.  You are my sister in Christ and I love you.
The fellow believer, not at all a skilled debater, responded to the arguments and added “you said, ‘You are my sister in Christ and I love you.” REALLY ? As for now I am praying about our friendship. A friend would never have said what you said.
In the words of St. James, My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
I was asked by some close acquaintances about my voting intentions. I should have kept it to myself. Apparently they were not ready to deal with knowing that we walked down different political aisles. They just stopped associating with me. I wasn’t hurt, because I know that nothing can break our ties in Christ. But I miss them. Now I am much more careful about such things. Still, it is like walking through a minefield. Satan has planted bombs throughout the church. Watch your step; one false move can blast a relationship to kingdom come.
I would think that someone called to work in politics would also be graced with the capacity to love and befriend those of opposing views. One must compartmentalize the political from the personal.  Ideas may be held but people can be hugged. If the grasp on my political ideology severs the bond with those I love, I need to reassess my priorities.
While our religious issues are another story, we do not have to break ourselves up over the cares of this world. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment…. Is Christ divided ?” In this election season, let us beware of dividing the Body of Christ with the cleaver of politics.
Here is a starting point: But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.  With politics Satan tells us that we “shall be as God knowing good and evil.” It seems to be more and more about knowing who is good and who is evil. It takes our eyes off of Him we love. Before you discuss a political opinion ask yourself, “Will this further the cause of Christ? Will it draw us closer in Christ? Does it glorify our God?” If we base our relationships on a simple devotion to Jesus, we begin the healing of this broken body.

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