Sweet Land of Liberty

In the preceding article we saw that we are a people within a people, a nation within a nation. As children of the Most High God, we live as foreigners in every country on earth. We are here to “show forth the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.” We are meant to be His blessing to the nations. For my fellow countrymen: we are to be the light that shines from America. Now let's talk about how that happens.
Many believe that what sets America apart is freedom. While this is true, that freedom is like a house built upon deep bedrock, it is no castle in the air. Our constitution lists the protections of liberty, but it is just a piece of inked paper unless someone lends it life. The spark that sets the Constitution ablaze lives in you.  The life-light of freedom emanates from you, child of God. It is not just a noble concept you have bought into; it is a Being who has come to live in you. You are the light of the world because the one who calls Himself “The Light of The World” radiates from your heart.
Jesus said “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
The listeners objected to His inference saying, “We are Abraham's decedents and have never been slaves to anyone.”
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”
That just about covers everyone. Then he began to clarify what the freeing truth is. “If the Son makes you free you shall be free indeed.” The liberty that raised this country to it's prominence is not the freedom to sin, but the freedom not to sin. None of us have the natural capacity to live without sin; rather, we are forgiven and given the power to resist this inner oppressor. As our nation embraces the inner enslaver she let's go of her true freedom.
Jesus further defined liberating truth when He said “I am the way, the truth an the life.” To know Jesus is to know the truth, and knowing this Truth is the bedrock of freedom. Freedom in America is a historic phenomenon first generated by faith in Jesus Christ. He alone can sustain it. Without Him, it will exhaust itself with laws and sins. As we hold to our Savior, our slavery to sin weakens. The Spirit of Christ rises up against all bondage, even if that bondage tries to sanction itself with His name.
What of the non-believers? We're not called to live any life but our own. If we attend to the Life who resides in us God will tend to everything else. They are His concern, and concerned He is. He counts the hairs on their unbelieving heads and dotes over their every breath. We are to look upon them as the loved of the Lord.

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